Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1 Malayasia

Here we go! Today we are off on the European adventure. Everyone arrived on time at the Malaysian Airlines check in, which eased the stress levels that the Teachers were experiencing. Many family and well-wishers came along to farewell the intrepid travellers as they made their way through the maze of procedures that accompany an International flight. After everything and everyone were screened, scanned and inspected we were able to then wait for the aircraft in the departure lounge. Amazingly the aircraft actually started to head for the runway ahead of time.

Here is the group all together with their family members just after everyone had checked in.

I sit and write this as we head across our vast brown land heading  toward Malaysia with an 809kph ground speed, an outside air temperature of -51 and 4000km still to go. Worryingly some of the boys are finding it tedious only 2 hrs. into the trip. Most are watching movies and or playing games on the aircrafts “entertainment “  packs.

The information screens give us the latest information. Even though we are going very fast, it seems like we are crawling!

Mingi and Dylan “caught in the act” of chilling out! 

Who knows what these two are up to!


We had to stand in line again to get into the country, travel seems to entail long periods of time doing nothing (sitting on a plane),  the constant filling in of forms and standing in line! Here are two of our intrepid group doing two of these activities.

We are now in Malayasia and it is 32 and about 85% humidity. The hotel is very nice and the pool was brilliant!

The flight leaves at 11.55pm local time for London. The next instalment will therefore come from “jolly old England”. So join us for the continuing adventures!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Travellers. Wow!! I've been following your blog. Looks like you're all having an amazing time. Can't wait to read about all of your other adventures in the upcoming weeks, and hope you're all staying warm!!


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